Concepts explained from one marketer to another

Core concepts explained for sustained growth

Tools illustration
Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Viral Marketing

Create content that is compelling enough to be shared widely, quickly escalating brand exposure.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

User Experience (UX)

Design your product to provide a seamless and satisfying experience for users.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Traction (Marketing Channels)

Identify and utilise the channels that most effectively acquire customers.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

T-shape Marketer

Develop a breadth of knowledge in various marketing disciplines and depth in one or two.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Identify leads that are more likely to become customers based on their engagement level.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Harness the power of structured query language to manage and manipulate your databases efficiently.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

TOFU (Top of the Funnel)

Attract a broad audience to your brand through wide-reaching marketing strategies.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Optimise your online content so that search engines show it as a top result.

Understanding Retention

Personal Productivity


Implement strategies to keep your current customers engaged and loyal to your brand.

Understanding Retention

Personal Productivity

Sales Funnel

Visualise the process of turning leads into customers to refine sales strategies.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Re-engage users who have shown interest in your product but have not yet converted.

User Interviews

Personal Productivity

Research (Qualitative & Quantitative)

Combine data types to gain comprehensive insights into market trends and consumer behaviour.

Understanding Retention

Personal Productivity

Product-market fit

Achieve the ideal symbiosis where your product satisfies a strong market demand.

Calculating Lifetime Value

Personal Productivity

OMTM (One Metric That Matters)

Focus on the single most important metric that aligns with your growth goals.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

MOFU (Middle of the Funnel)

Engage and nurture leads who are considering your product or service.

Tool Stack Essentials

Personal Productivity

Marketing Automation

Use software to automate your marketing activities and streamline customer interactions.

Calculating Lifetime Value

Personal Productivity

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Predict the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Lead Magnet

Offer valuable information or service to potential customers in exchange for contact information.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Inbound Marketing

Attract customers through relevant content and adding value at every stage in their journey.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Identify potential customers who have shown interest in your product or service.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Landing Page

Optimise this crucial page to convert a higher percentage of visitors into leads or customers.

Heat maps & recordings

Personal Productivity


Visualise user behaviour on your website to optimise for better engagement and conversion.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Guest post

Contribute content to other websites to tap into new audiences and build domain authority.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Understand the customer's journey from awareness to purchase to tailor your marketing strategy.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Growth Hacking

Employ creative, cost-effective strategies to acquire and retain customers rapidly.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC)

Evaluate the expense involved in acquiring a new customer to optimise marketing spend.

Hypothesis forming

Personal Productivity

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Create impactful prompts that incite your audience to move further down the funnel.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Craft compelling copy that persuades your audience to take specific actions.

Exploring Churn

Personal Productivity


Analyse and reduce the rate at which customers stop using your service or product.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO)

Improve your website to boost the percentage of visitors taking desired actions.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Content Marketing

Develop and share valuable content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Beach Head Market

Identify and capture a focused market segment to establish a stronghold and expand.

Conversion in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

BOFU (Bottom of the Funnel)

Learn to convert prospects at the final decision-making stage into customers.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Build a network of external links to enhance your site’s authority and search ranking.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Affiliate Marketing

Explore leveraging partnerships to promote your offerings and boost revenue.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity

Aha Moment

Understand the pivotal experience that turns users into ardent advocates of your product.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Learn to convert an interested party into an active user through effective engagement strategies.

How to set up an A/B test

Personal Productivity

A/B testing

Gauge the performance of two variants in your campaign to optimise user response.

Traffic in the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Track the effectiveness of online marketing campaigns using UTM parameters in URLs.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity

Utilisation Rate

Measure the efficiency of resource usage to optimise operational performance.

Tool Stack Essentials

Personal Productivity

Two-factor authentication

Enhance account security by requiring two forms of identification upon login.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Focus Blocks

Designate uninterrupted time slots for deep work to boost efficiency and output.

Communication Protocols

Personal Productivity

Stakeholder Management

Strategically manage the relationship with those invested in your project’s success.

Tool Stack Essentials

Personal Productivity

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Establish a set of step-by-step instructions to achieve efficiency in operations.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Fire Break

Implement strategic pauses in your workflow to reassess priorities and prevent burnout.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity

Scope creep

Invest in paid advertising to secure prominent placement in search engine results.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity


Implement short, time-boxed periods to complete work and review progress in agile frameworks.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity


Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity


Outline a strategic plan that defines a path to achieving long-term goals and objectives.

Introduction to the Goal Tree

Personal Productivity


Utilise available resources to maximise the impact and efficiency of your efforts.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Pomodoro Technique

Break work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, to improve mental agility.

Tool Stack Essentials

Personal Productivity


Utilise cues to trigger specific behaviours, aiding in habit formation and customer retention.

Issues Tracker

Personal Productivity

Issues Tracker

Cultivate a mindset that thrives on challenge and sees failure as a springboard for growth.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Eisenhower Matrix

Prioritise tasks by urgency and importance to maximise productivity.

Email Management

Personal Productivity

Gmail Filters

Master email management by setting up filters to automatically organise your inbox.

Focus & Distraction

Personal Productivity


Protect your digital assets by implementing robust security protocols and systems.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity


Organise your pending tasks effectively to streamline prioritisation and execution.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Buffer Time

Integrate intentional breaks between tasks to enhance focus and prevent burnout.

Project Management Essentials

Personal Productivity


Discover how to enhance project management with iterative, adaptable planning and execution.

Tool Stack Essentials

Personal Productivity

Chrome Extensions

Utilise browser extensions to augment your online efficiency and workflow.

Focus & Distraction

Personal Productivity


Use this technique to clear mental clutter and gain pristine clarity of thought.

Time Management

Personal Productivity

Async Work

Master the art of asynchronous work to boost productivity across different time zones.